Welcome to The Pitching Secrets Podcast! This show is designed with the pitching instructor or training facility owner enhance their pitching program business! Learn from Andy Powers, a nationally recognized pitching coach and founder of The Texas Pitching Institute. Inside each episode, Andy shares his ”aha moments” and pitching secrets with complete transparency. From tough lessons learned, to mindset, to pure pitcher development strategies and marketing, Andy pulls you into his world and shares his personal journey and secrets to growing a proven track record of developing pitchers and building your business
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Lower Half Connection Hack
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
I'm sure you know how important the lower half is to a pitcher.
So the real question is...is the pitcher getting everything out of his lower half?
Or is he "Disconnecting" too early and losing everything he's got and placing more stress and responsibility on his arm?
In this episode, I'll explain to you a quick and easy little "hack" you can do immediately to check to see if your pitchers are losing their lower half or not.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.PitchingCoachMasterclass.com
Follow me on social media at:
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Dealing With Criticism
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
If you are going to be a coach and put yourself in a position of leadership...you are going to take some heat from time to time.
But having that responsibility of being that guide, mentor and leader is not for everyone anyways.
So if you are going to do it...it comes with the territory.
You don't have to like it....I hate it every time it happens to me...but it's part of the gig.
In this episode, I'll share with you a couple stories of criticisms I've experienced, as well as a strategy that I use that seems to help me handle them and keep moving and I hope that it will help you too!
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
How My 7 Year Old Reminded Me Of The Most Basic Skill That Will Win More Games
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
I was at my 7 year old, Chase's, game the other day and watched two teams play two different games at the same time!
One team was all over the place and the other was very well composed and knew what they were trying to do.
Just watching the other team warm up, I said to my wife, Sarah, "I think we are in trouble!"
In this episode, I'll tell you the story of his game and how it reminded me of something that we all easily overlook and forget sometimes...but it is the difference between winning and losing most of the time.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Anyone that has followed me for a while knows how I feel about the use of ice as a recovery and therapeutic tool.
There are few people out there that are able to articulate why ice is a bad thing for pitchers to do better than "The Anti-Iceman", Gary Reinl.
Gary has worked with over 100 professional teams, including all of MLB
He has worked with over 250 MLB Pitchers
He has even been invited to the White House to meet with the President's personal medical staff to teach and consult on the harmful things that ice does to the body as it tries to heal and recover.
In this very special episode, we will dive deep into the argument AGAINST ice and what you need to know
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Understanding How Run & Gun and Weighted Ball Velocity Translates
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Without a doubt, throwing and training approaches of weighted balls and high performance throwing drills like the Run & Gun are a big part of pitchers training.
But a question that I get a lot from coaches is how does any of this translate to the mound?
It's a great question....at the end of the day, a guy with a high run & gun doesn't mean anything if it doesn't translate to the mound and get guys out.
So in this episode, I'll explain to you EXACTLY what you need to know on how they translate to mound velocity so that you'll know if your player is underperforming or right where they need to be.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
How To Help A Pitcher Come Back From Injury
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
I got an email from a dad, who I also think was his son's coach, telling me about how his son got injured, but is now cleared to start participating again and he wanted to know what he should do.
This is a great question....a very important question....and also a question that doesn't get thought of or asked very much at all.
In this episode, I'm going to dive deep into the response I gave this dad that will help you to when it comes time that you ever have to help a player come back from injury as well.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Becoming A Pitching Boss
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
In today's episode, I want to take you through my journey in becoming a Pitching Coach and a lot of the tips, tricks and traits that I believe are necessary to doing it well that I picked up along the way.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
The One Playbook Away Challenge
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
A little while back, I went through a 30 day challenge for my business, where there was a BIG goal at the end of the 30 days that would be accomplished, but it would be pieced out over 30 days, so it was little bits each day.
It's like eating the elephant just one bite at a time...
And it was incredibly cool and it worked fantastic so I began thinking about how could I create this same experience for Pitching Coaches?
And I believe that I have come up with it...
I'm proud and excited to announce to you The One Playbook Away Challenge.
This challenge takes place over 21 days, where each day a new training mission will be released for you to watch and follow along in your OPA workbook.
At the end of the 21 days, the intention is for you to have AT LEAST one playbook done, ready and implemented for you.
For many of you, you will probably have more than one!
Click on the link below to learn more about the challenge and to register for your One Playbook Away Challenge
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
3 Questions
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
While listening to a podcast myself, I heard the speaker tell a story about how a friend of his came up with 3 questions that he began asking his dad that he believed helped make him a much better father.
I couldn't help but believe that these same 3 questions could also help you become a better Pitching Coach, along with friend, father, husband, etc.
Remember, you're just One Playbook Away!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at:
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Coming Out Of Quarantine
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
The baseball community is starting to be able to come back out of quarantine and start playing games and practicing again...
As exciting as that is, there is an inherent risk that we may not have otherwise ever seen before with our pitchers that places them at a heightened level of risk for injury in an effort to get back on the field quickly.
In this episode, I break down what the risk is, what to look for and how to avoid it. Enjoy!
If you'd like a FREE 3-Day Pitching Coach Masterclass, that will take you on a deep dive into Arm Care, Creating Your Daily Routine and Managing Your Pitching Staff Rotation...then go to www.BullpenSecrets.com/Masterclass
Follow me on social media at: